TÜYÇEP became even stronger with its cooperation with UZYECEM.

With the cooperation of TÜYÇEP with UZYECEM, our training programs and staff for the development of our children have expanded.


The number of gifted children in our country is approximately 260 thousand. As a country with such a serious potential, there are only two Nobel prizes (literature, science), the inability to enter the top 20 in the world's patent rankings (WIPO, 2016), the inability to achieve a visible success in the Olympics and people's minds, 'Why? ' raises the question. Well, as educators, we ask, why? Because, it continues with a wholesale and uniform education and examination system that is based on rote, non-systematic, does not give importance to the personality and individuality of children.

As a matter of fact, gifted and talented children are most affected by this system. Because the existing system blunts their potential; does not engage them mentally; it also prevents them from revealing their productivity. As 60% of gifted and talented children who are not happy because of this, they drop out of school at the secondary and high school level; They also pose a societal risk. Our aim is to identify and recognize gifted and talented students who have a serious potential loss and social risk factor, to provide a systematic education that takes into account their development and learning characteristics, increases their potential, and ensures their lifelong development in a self-regulated way. These trainings are special trainings, so they should not be considered separately from family trainings. Training and guiding families and teachers are also among the priorities of our center. This path we set out with the vision of raising generations who think, produce, plan their own lives and future, and reveal their potential; will open and expand with the cooperation of our families.

Signs of Giftedness and Talent

  • It is movable.
  • Needs less sleep during infancy.
  • Sense organs are sharp (Throwing off the blanket, reaction to noise, taste discrimination, being disturbed by the label, etc.)
  • Demonstrates leadership qualities.
  • Wants to be independent.
  • He is a perfectionist.
  • He has high self-confidence.
  • He is inquisitive, inquisitive.
  • Easy to memorize.
  • Vocabulary is rich.
  • It shows asynchronous development.
  • Uses language effectively.
  • His memory is strong.
  • Interested in science and technology.
  • Enjoys producing.
  • They have broad interests and different interests from their peers.